XLure FIT Insect monitor - Trap
Delivery time about 5-7 days
An adhesive pheromone insert (XLURE FIT Insect monitor - Pheromone insert, Art. 110339-KG, please order separately) is inserted into this white plastic trap. The species-specific pheromones contained in the insert are released over a period of 6-8 weeks after opening. After this period or when the adhesive surface is full, the pheromone insert can be replaced with a new one.
The XLURE FIT Insect monitor attracts the following insects, among others:
Woolly flower beetle / museum beetle (Anthrenus verbasci)
Clothes moth (Tineola bisselliealla)
Fur moth (Tinea pellionella)
Dark fur beetle (Attagenus spp)
The special feature of this monitor is that it can be entered via side openings or approached from above. The strong adhesive surface and the special attractants are gentle but effective. They do not contain any dangerous ingredients or insecticidal agents. Only a food-grade attractant is incorporated.
Placement: Place the trap as a monitor point on suspected migration routes, higher-lying approach points and known locations. If several traps are set up, a distance of at least 8-10 m should be maintained. Adjust the number of monitors to the level of infestation and spatial conditions. The primary purpose of setting up monitor traps is to detect and control the pest species and their spatial occurrence. It is not possible to control very heavy infestations with these traps.
Shelf life of attractant (unopened / unactivated):
6 months at 10-20 C temperature
12 months at 4-10 C temperature
24 months at 0-4 C temperature
Catchability period of attractant (opened / activated): 6-8 weeks
Trap made of white plastic,
130 x 130 x 45 mm
The required pheromone insert (Art. 110339-KG) is not included.
Please order this separately.
Unit price